Create a desktop shortcut to SMAK 3.0
Open a new notebook file
Type the following:
call C:\Users\Anaconda3\Scripts\activate.bat smakenv
cd C:\Users\Anaconda3\envs\smakenv\Lib\site-packages\smak
The text shown in bold needs to be changed for your personal system to follow where the Anaconda3 scripts folder is, and for where you installed SMAK 3.0
Save the notebook file as SMAK3.bat (or similar, but the .bat you add to the end of the file name will run this script as a batch file) to your desktop.
Double click the SMAK3 batch icon on your desktop. You will see a cmd terminal and you will see a message that says ‘Press any key to continue…’. Press any key and you should see the commands that indicate SMAK is opening.
A new window with a feather icon (windows) should appear in your taskbar, this is the SMAK GUI.